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Digitisation of SME - take the plunge with clouds!

13 October 2020

Digitalisierung KMU

Digitisation - within and after the COVID-19 pandemic

The pandemic has changed the way we work in many companies. While working remotely was rather unusual for many of us in the past, it has now become the new normal.

Nevertheless any company needs to remain competitive and withstand the active competition in the field. Consequently new digital requirements emerge, which the company needs to meet in order to stay viable. These digital requirements may also lead to some radical changes in the company.

The changes can include altered digital processes and responsibilities, which can be predefined in the digitisation strategy of the company, e.g. increased transparency in the administration of the employees. Even though the digitalisation needs to be well-prepared and implemented, companies benefit immensely from the improvements, both for clients as well as employees.

By investing in digital technologies companies can experience reduced workloads as processes become automated and streamlined. Therefore the company can meet digital demands and boosts its competitiveness.

Digital strategies create a central administration (e.g. through an internal knowledge base), a more effective collaboration (e.g. through digital tools that connect your employees better), and new applications (e.g. through developing social media channels). All in all digital processes cannot only clear space in your office and reduce fixed costs, but also attract more customers and generate more revenue.

It (digitalisation) is a fundamental, inevitable transition of economic life. 1.

Prof. Dr. Wilhelm Bauer , - Prof. Dr. Wilhelm Bauer, Head of the Fraunhofer-Instituts für Arbeitswirtschaft and Organisation IAO and technology representative of the federal state of Baden-Wuerttemberg

What does digitisation mean exactly?

Every first step of every change contains first and foremost a good dose of courage and a positive attitude. If you want to implement new digital processes in your company, then new digital skills need to be acquired and learned.

Moreover specific equipment and systems need to be introduced. In order to establish these systems, structures and rights need to be given and/ or installed. This way workflows and -processes can be automated and streamlined. For example, a cloud solution can benefit your company’s accounting and your document administration.

Digitalisation may be a monetary and timely investment in the beginning, but it’s worth it!
93% of business enterprises are satisfied with the achieved state of digitalisation in their company2. Take the plunge!

Case of a cloud solution for a German hotel chain

Initial situation: A German hotel chain decides to expand its administration. An IT-infrastructure is needed, with which data can be saved online and filesharing can be practiced.

Since the hotel chain does not own any server rooms themselves, no self-owned hardware can be made use of. The hotel chain wants to use the cloud for their customer relations as well as use the cloud solution internally. The hotel chain also pays special attention to customer support.

“We would like to be able to reach people who stand behind the cloud solution”, the hotel chain argues.

Result: After extensive research and external consulting by a data protection officer the hotel chain chooses leitzcloud. It is important for the hotel chain to have a central contact person, which is available at any time. The migration to the cloud should work without any problems.

Due to a free product demonstration and free setup of the cloud, an efficient and user-friendly functioning of the cloud was ensured. Furthermore, it is important for the hotel chain to have their data kept confidential and secure. Since leitzcloud stores all of their data DSGVO-compliant in their data centre “Maincubes” in Frankfurt, Germany, as well as uses the most modern encryption methods, the hotel chain is convinced.

The hotel chain uses leitzcloud now as a tool for customer management as well as for internal administration. Due to the reduced workload thanks to the streamlined processes the hotel chain is now able to focus more closely on his employees as well as able to attract more customers - and thus generates more revenue in the long run.

Do you want to invest in cloud computing? - We are here for you!

Have you decided to go for the LeitzCloud solution and need help with setting up your cloud? No problem! Our support team is happy to help you with your initial steps in the cloud, as well as setting up the cloud, so it is ready to use.

You as an administrator always have full control and the overview of storage capacity, number of (guest) users, connected devices, etc. and much more. Together we can specify the number of users, can create guest accounts, and determine the rights (e.g. only viewing access, can edit also, etc.) for every partner and client - according to your wishes.

We help you with your digital installation of leitzcloud and show you, how you can best make use of leitzcloud’s functions in your company - both for your employees as well as your customers.

Don’t wait and provide your company now with more efficient processes and a more central administration through cloud computing!

Read more here:

1 Interview with Prof. Dr. Wilhelm Bauer, head of the Fraunhofer Institute for Industrial Engineering IAO and technology officer of the state Baden-Württemberg
(13 October 2020)
2 Monitoring-Report Wirtschaft DIGITAL 2017 (13 October 2020)
3 KfW-Digitalisierungsbericht Mittelstand 2018 (13 October 2020)

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