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Digitisation in

Dare to take the step into digitalisation with leitzcloud and make your company's organisation as simple as possible.

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Work Securely in Your Cloud

Security is our top priority - yours as well?

Our encrypted leitzcloud Cloud Storage is kept in safe and certified data centres in Germany.


Set up the Zero-Knowledge-Encryption in your Cloud and your data will not be seen by anyone besides yourself.


Our data centre and we as a company are TÜV-certified: Management-system, verified data centre and information security.

TÜV sicher zertifiziert iso

100% GDPR-Compliance

We protect your data according to the German GDPR - which is the world's strictest data protection law.

Assistance With Your Migration

leitzcloud offers many functions that support you in your everyday work. Our support team will help you to prepare the cloud optimally for your use and to move your data securely.

Contact us

30-60 Minutes

Realize within 30 to 60 minutes how you can optimally use the leitzcloud in your company.


You can participate in the demonstration from anywhere. The online meeting takes place via Zoom. To ensure a proper quality for the demonstration we recommend joining on a Computer or Laptop.


Our experts will answer all your questions and help you get started with the leitzcloud.

Your Mobile Authority

Work efficiently in a team - with outstanding live synchronisation.

Sync tool and apps for all your devices

Fast live synchronisation

Work on documents simultaneously

Work offline at any time

More about live synchronisation

What our satisfied customers say about us:

leitzcloud Organisation verwalten

Aschaffenburg District Office

"The district fire brigade of the Aschaffenburg district uses leitzcloud to exchange data with each other and to maintain a uniform data situation without duplicate documents and outdated documents.

The leitzcloud has also been linked into an external operational documentation system where we keep the data up to date and all fire brigades can access this uniform data status via the operational documentation system. This includes, for example, object plans, fire brigade plans, etc..."

Convince yourself and test the leitzcloud now!

HR datenschutz sicherheit DSGVO safe

Your Data Remains in Germany

One of the most important parts of the GDPR is the requirement to know where your data is stored and who has access to it.


The leitzcloud servers are located in Germany and are protected by state-of-the-art security measures.

German Laws

leitzcloud is TÜV certified. According to German regulations, leitzcloud cannot be forced to hand over your information.


What functions does leitzcloud offer?

Joint Planning and Work

LMit leitzcloud Unterorganisieren verwalten

In the TeamShares you can work together on documents. You benefit from different role authorisations.

This keeps confidential data protected!

More Professional with Own Branding

Mit leitzcloud Unterorganisieren verwalten

White Label immediately available:

The leitzcloud offers you various branding options so that you can customise your Logo, the E-mail templates and the Login-screen according to your wishes.

Free Guest User

Mit leitzcloud Unterorganisieren verwalten bester preisgünstiger online web speicher

You work project-based and want to sharesensible Data? Easily share data with external partners or customers via secure sharing.

Take advantage of the possibility to create unlimited free guest users. Communicate quickly and efficiently with partners, external parties and customers.

Convince with Safety

Mit leitzcloud Unterorganisieren verwalten

leitzcloud encrypts your data and the data of your customers during the entire communication with the servers and in the cloud.

Secure SSL encryption and complex 256-bit AES encryption are used. Your data can never be read by third parties.

GDPR Compliance and Ransomware Protection

Die leitzcloud ist DSGVO-konform.

All Data is stored GDPR-compliant.

In addition to the encryption of files, leitzcloud also has integrated ransomware protection which detects harmful files at an early stage.

Last but not least, you can have your desired file extensions automatically rejected by the cloud.

Secure Data Centre Maincubes

Die leitzcloud speichert Ihre Daten in einem modernen deutsches Rechenzentrum

leitzcloud stores your data in the highly modern data centre "Maincubes" in Frankfurt am Main.

The data centre has several security systems, such as identity control and armoured walls.
In addition, the data centre is operated exclusively with green electricity.

Sustainability is very close to our hearts as a company

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